Technical publishing is corrupt and weird and broken - papers can be hard to find. If you hit a paywall, let me know!
This page is kind of an old archive of my academic research group output, some links may be broken, in which case Scholar is your friend.
Paper Highlights
Doig, G., Transonic and Supersonic Ground Effect Aerodynamics. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, (69), pp. 1–28.
A major invited review of historical and recent developments in the field of high speed ground effect aerodynamics in aerospace's highest impact factor journal (5yr IF = 12.9).
Paterson, S., Vijayaratnam, P., Perera, C., & Doig, G. (2016). Design and development of the Sunswift eVe solar vehicle: a record-breaking electric car. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 230 (14), pp. 1972-1986.
Keogh, J., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
The Aerodynamic Effects on a Cornering Ahmed Body. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics (2016), 154, pp. 34-46
The first comprehensive LES-based assessment of aerodynamic effects of a vehicle body undergoing cornering motion.
2018 - Cal Poly "Learn By Doing" Scholar Award for Research; Graham Doig
2018 - Society of Women Engineers "Most Supportive Professor" Award at Cal Poly Evening with Industry event; Graham Doig
2018 - Cal Poly Engineering Student Council Outstanding Faculty Adviser; Graham Doig
2017-2019 - Lockheed Martin Endowed Professorship; Graham Doig
2016-18 - Faculty Fellow of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Graham Doig
2013 - Lecturer of the Year, UNSW Australia School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
2012 - American Australian Association QANTAS Research Fellowship
2007 - Royal Aeronautical Society Centennial Scholarship
Selected coverage
New York Times story about Cal Poly Prototype Vehicles Lab
Washington Post story about Sunswift eVe solar car aiming to become road-legal
Weather Channel feature on novel way to tackle large-scale fires
ABC Australia coverage of fire/flame interaction research
USA Today story on putting out fires with explosives
BBC World News interview on putting out fires with explosives
WIRED story about Sunswift eVe's world land speed record.
ABC Radio National feature on altitude-adaptive rocket nozzles
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Publications by year
Peer-reviewed journal papers
Forster, K.J., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Large Eddy Simulation of Transient Upstream/Downstream Vortex Interactions
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 862, pp. 227-260
Conference Publications
Hernandez, A.T., Moore, L.S., Doig, G.
Student perceptions aboutparticipation in co-curricular engineering projects - an Institutional Study atCal Poly San Luis Obispo.
17th International Hawaii Conference on Education, Honolulu HI, January 2019
Peer-reviewed journal papers
Schomberg, K., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J., Doig, G.
Investigation of conjugate circular arcs in rocket nozzle contour design
Shock Waves, (accepted May 2018)
Schomberg, K., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J., Doig, G.
Effect of the Contour Shock on Restricted Shock Separation
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(2):557–561
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Peer-reviewed journal papers
Forster, K.J., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Interactions of a Counter-Rotating Vortex Pair at Multiple Offsets
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 86, pp. 63–74
Forster, K.J., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Interactions of a Co-Rotating Vortex Pair at Multiple Offsets
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 29 (5) : 01 (online first)
Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
Numerical analysis of the effect of ride height changes on racing car front wing/wheel aerodynamic interactions.
Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 231 (7):900-914 01
Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
The influence of wing span and angle of attack on racing car wing/wheel interaction aerodynamics.
Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 139 (6)
Conference Publications
Forster, K.J., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Comparison of Co-Rotating and Counter-Rotating Vortex Interactions
AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, June 2017
Student Theses (download)
Forster, K.J. (PhD, UNSW Sydney)
The interactions of streamwise co-rotating and counter-rotating vortices
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Peer-reviewed journal papers
Schomberg, K., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J., Doig, G.
Suppressing Restricted Shock Separation in a Rocket Nozzle Using Contour Geometry.
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 32, 5: 1298-1301.
Keogh, J., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
The Aerodynamic Effects on a Cornering Ahmed Body
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 154, pp. 34-46
Giannuzzi, P., Hargather, M.J., Doig, G.
Explosive-driven shock wave and vortex ring interaction with a propane flame.
Shock Waves, Vol. 26, pp.851–857
DOI 10.1007/s00193-016-0627-2
Paterson, S., Vijayaratnam, P., Perera, C., Doig, G.
Design and development of the Sunswift eVe solar vehicle: world’s fastest long-range electric car.
Proc. IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering Vol. 230(14) 1972–1986
Doig, G., Wang, S., Kleine, H., Young, J.
Aerodynamic Analysis of Projectiles in Ground Effect at Near-sonic Mach numbers.
AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 150-160
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J.
Design of High Area-Ratio Nozzle Contours Using Circular Arcs.
Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 188-195
Peer-reviewed conference papers:
Chan, J.E., Giannuzzi, P., Kabir, K., Hargather, M.J., Doig, G.
Interactions of shock tube exhaust flows with laminar and turbulent flame
AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA.
Keogh, J., Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.,
A New Type of Wind Tunnel for the Evaluation of Cornering Motion.
AIAA SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA.
Student Theses (download)
Keogh, J. (PhD, UNSW Sydney)
The Aerodynamic Effects of the Cornering Flow Conditions
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Peer-reviewed journal papers:
Doig, G., Bogdan, G., Snyder, M.R.
Reducing transonic wind tunnel sting interference effects for concealed store release testing.
Journal of Aerospace Engineering (online first: doi: 10.1177/0954410015607551)
Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
The effects of simplifications on isolated wheel aerodynamics.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 146, pp. 90-101, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2015.08.004
Keogh, J., Doig, G., Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J.
The influence of cornering on the vortical wake structures of an inverted wing.
Proc. IMechE. Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 229 no. 13. pp 1817-1829.
doi: 10.1177/0954407015571673)
Brandt, J., Tsafnat, N., Doig, G.
Computational Aerodynamic Analysis of a Micro-CT Based Bio-Realistic Fruit Fly Wing.
PLoS ONE 10(5):e0124824. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124824
Schomberg, K., Olsen, J., Doig, G.
Analysis of a Low-Angle Annular Expander Nozzle.
Shock and Vibration Vol. 2015, DOI: 10.1155/2015/675861
Peer-reviewed conference papers:
Forster, K., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Computational Investigation of Streamwise Vortex Interaction.
SAE 2015 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, September 22-24, 2015 Seattle, WA.
Schomerg, K., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J., Doig, G.
Suppressing Restricted Shock Separation in a Rocket Nozzle Using Contour Geometry.
51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference at Propulsion and Energy 2015, 27-29 July, Orlando, Florida.
Schomberg, K., Olsen, J., Neely, A., Doig, G.
Design of an Arc-Based Thrust-Optimised Rocket Nozzle Contour
6th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, Krakow, Poland.
Smith, H., Paterson, S., Mazzone, C., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
20 years of UNSW's Sunswift Solar Car Team: a new moment in the sun, but where to now?
18th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC18), 10-12 March, Melbourne, Australia.
Keogh, J., Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
Techniques for Aerodynamic Analysis of Cornering Vehicles.
18th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC18), 10-12 March, Melbourne, Australia.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J.
Numerical Analysis of a Linear Expansion Nozzle at Open Wake Flow Conditions.
16th Australian International Aerospace Congress, 23-24 February 2015, Melbourne, Australia.
Ambrose, S., Doig, G.
Aerodynamic Testing and Development of Sunswift eVe.
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting at AIAA SciTech 2015, 5-9 January 2015, Kissimmee, Florida.
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Peer-reviewed journal papers:
Doig, G.
Transonic and Supersonic Ground Effect Aerodynamics.
Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Volume 69, pp. 1–28. DOI:
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S
Implications of compressibility effects for Reynolds- scaled testing of an inverted wing in ground effect.
International Journal of Aerodynamics Vol. 4, 3/4, pp. 135–153. DOI: 10.1504/IJAD.2014.067578
Diasinos, S., Doig, G., Barber, T.J.
On the interaction of a racing car front wing and exposed wheel.
The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 118 (1210).
Keogh, J., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Flow compressibility effects around an open-wheel racing car.
The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 118 (1210).
Doig, G., Beves, C.
Aerodynamic Design and Development of the Sunswift IV Solar Racing Car.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 66, No. 2.
Keogh, J., Doig, G., Barber, T. J., Diasinos, S.
The Aerodynamics of a Cornering Inverted Wing in Ground Effect
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 553 pp 205-210.
Islam, A., Doig, G.
Fundamental Studies of Vortices Induced by a Vortex-Generator for Automotive Applications
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 553 pp 211-216.
Cruickshank, M., Doig, G.
Application of Kriging to Motorsport Aerodynamic Analysis
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 553 pp 217-2122.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J.
Computational Simulation of an Altitude Adaptive Nozzle Concept
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 553 pp 223-228.
Peer-reviewed conference papers:
Phua, A., Barber, T.J., Rogers, T., Doig, G.
Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flow around an Inclined Ellipsoid.
19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 8-11 December 2014, Melbourne.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J.
Experimental Analysis of a Linear Expansion-Deflection Nozzle at Highly Overexpanded Conditions.
19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 8-11 December 2014, Melbourne.
Forster, K.J., Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
Computational Analysis of Backwards Facing Vortex Generators for Boundary Layer Mixing Applications.
19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 8-11 December 2014, Melbourne.
Kuthethoor, P., Doig, G.
Preliminary Design of a UAV able to withstand a Volcanic Environment.
2014 AIAA Australian-Asia Region VII-AU Student Conference, 26-28 November, Sydney.
Ambrose, S., Doig, G.
Aerodynamic Testing and Development of Sunswift eVe.
2014 AIAA Australian-Asia Region VII-AU Student Conference, 26-28 November, Sydney.
Kirkby, D., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
Vortex Generators for Formula 3 Diffuser Performance.
2014 AIAA Australian-Asia Region VII-AU Student Conference, 26-28 November, Sydney.
Wong, B., Diasinos, S., Doig, G.
A Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of the Aerodynamic Performance of Radical SR8 Race Car.
2014 AIAA Australian-Asia Region VII-AU Student Conference, 26-28 November, Sydney.
Diasinos, S., Dongre, K., Keogh, J., Doig, G., Barber, T.J.
Computational Analysis Comparing Aerodynamic Performance of Simplified Sedan, Wagon and SUV Automobile Configurations
In FISITA 2014 World Automotive Congress-2-6 June 2014, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Keogh, J., Doig, G., Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J.
Detached Eddy Simulation of the Cornering Aerodynamics of the Ahmed Reference Model
In FISITA 2014 World Automotive Congress-2-6 June 2014, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J.
Design of High Area Nozzle Contours Using Circular Arcs.
AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 2014.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J., Neely, A.J.
Geometric Analysis of the Linear Expansion Deflection Nozzle at Highly Overexpanded Flow Conditions.
AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 2014.
Paterson, S., Doig, G.
The mapping of Lean Enablers to the systems engineering approach of a volunteer-based, student-led project.
2014 Systems Engineering and Test and Evaluation Conference (SETE2014), Adelaide, Australia, April 2014.
Doig, G., Young, J., Wang, S., Kleine, H.
Aerodynamics of Transonic and Supersonic Projectiles in Ground Effect
52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, National Harbor, MD, 13th-17th Jan 2014.
Conference abstract:
Canafax, N., Hargather, M., Gianuzzi, P., Doig, G.
Explosive-driven shock wave interaction with a propane flame
67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 59, Number 20, November 23–25, 2014; San Francisco, CA.
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Peer-reviewed journal papers:
Doig, G., Johnson, Z., Mann, R.
Interaction of Shock Tube Exhaust Flow with a Non- pre-mixed Flame.
Journal of Visualization, 2013, 16, (3), pp. 173-176.
Diasinos, S., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
Influence of wing span on the aerodynamics of wings in ground effect.
Proc. IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2013, 227 (3), pp. 564 - 568.
Peer-reviewed conference papers:
Chan, J.E., Doig, G.
Time-Accurate Numerical Simulation of Shock Tube Flow and Shockwave/Fire Interaction
2013 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Sydney, 27-29 November 2013.
Cruickshank, M., Doig, G.
Methods of motorsport aerodynamic analysis
2013 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Sydney, 27-29 November 2013.
Cruickshank, M., Doig, G.
Integration of experimental aerodynamic results to full scale analysis
2013 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Sydney, 27-29 November 2013.
Islam, A., Doig, G.
Wind-Tunnel Experimental Methodology to Capture Vortex Core Velocity Profiles
2013 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Sydney, 27- 29 November 2013.
Islam, A., Doig, G.
Fundamental studies of vortices induced by automotive vortex- generators
2013 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Sydney, 27- 29 November 2013.
Cenko, A., Snyder, M., Doig, G.
Mach Sweep Technique for Store Separation for Store Separation Wind Tunnel Testing.
7th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, 11-13 September 2013, Metu, Turkey.
Keogh, J., Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Diasinos, S.
The Aerodynamics of an Inverted Wing in Ground-Effect Through a Corner.
1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, October 2013.
Cruikshank, M., Doig, G.
Applications of Kriging to motorsport Aerodynamic Analysis.
1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, October 2013.
Islam, A., Doig, G.
Fundamental Studies of Vortical Flows Induced by a Vortex- generator for Automotive Applications.
1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, October 2013.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J.
Computational simulation of an altitude adaptive nozzle concept.
1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, October 2013.
Schomberg, K., Doig, G., Olsen, J.
Computational analysis of pintle variation in an expansion-deflection nozzle.
13th Australian Space Science Conference, Sydney, October 2013 (winner, best paper award)
Doig, G., Snyder, M., Bogdan, G., Rowe, B.
Aspects of sting interference for transonic store release wind tunnel testing.
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition, Grapevine TX, 7-10 January 2013.
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Peer-reviewed journal papers:
Doig, G., Yeoh, G.H., Timchenko, V., Rosengarten, G., Barber, T.J., Cheung, S.C.P.
Simulation of blood flow and nanoparticle transport in a stenosed carotid bifurcation and pseudo-arteriole
Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 2012, 4 (1), 83-102.
Barber, T.J., Doig, G., Beves, C., Watson, I., Diasinos, S.
The synergistic integration of CFD and EFD for ground effect aerodynamics studies.
Proc. IMechE Part G : Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012, 226 (6), pp. 602-619.
Doig, G., Barber T, Neely A.
Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Swept Wing in Close Ground Proximity at High Subsonic Mach Numbers.
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012, 25, pp. 600-612.
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Neely, A.J., Myre, D.D.
Aerodynamics of an Aerofoil in Transonic Ground Effect: Methods for Blowdown Wind Tunnel Scale Testing.
The Aeronautical Journal, 2012, 116 (1180). pp. 599-620.
Doig, G., Barber, T., Neely, A., Myre, D.D.
Aerodynamics of an Aerofoil in Transonic Ground Effect: Numerical Study at Full-scale Reynolds Numbers
The Aeronautical Journal, 2012, 116 (1178), pp. 407 - 430.
Peer-reviewed conference papers:
Doig, G., Johnson, Z., Mann, R.
Shock Wave Interaction with a Flame
18th Australiasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Launceston, 3-7 December 2012.
Keogh, J., Doig, G., Diasinos, S.
The Influence of Compressibility Effects in Correlation Issues for Aerodynamic Development of Racing Cars.
18th Australiasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Launceston, 3-7 December 2012.
Dassanayake, P.K.R., Ramachandran, D., Salati, L., Barber, T.J., Doig, G.
Unsteady computational simulation of the flow structure of an isolated wheel in contact with the ground
18th Australiasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Launceston, 3-7 December 2012.
Brandt, J., Doig, G., Tsafnat, N.
Numerical Aerodynamic Analysis of a Bio-Realistic Fruit Fly Wing
2012 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Adelaide, 27-28 November 2012.
Ramachandran, D., Doig, G.
Complex Flow Around an Exposed Rotating Wheel
2012 AIAA Australian-Asia Regional Student Conference, Adelaide, 27-28 November 2012.
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Neely, A.J.
Progress in Understanding Transonic and Supersonic Ground Effect.
28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Brisbane, 23-28 Sept 2012.
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Some older
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Leonardi, E., Neely, A.J., Kleine, H.
Aerodynamics of a Supersonic Projectile in Proximity to a Solid Surface.
AIAA Journal, 2010, 48(12):pp. 2916-2930.
Doig, G., Barber, T.J.
Considerations for Numerical Modeling of Low Aspect Ratio Inverted Wings in Ground Effect.
AIAA Journal, 2011, 49 (10), pp. 2330-2333.
Doig, G., Barber, T., Neely, A.
The Influence of Compressibility on the Aerodynamics of an Inverted Wing in Ground Effect.
ASME J. Fluids Eng., 2011, 133 (6), pp. 1-12.
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Neely, A.J., Myre, D.D.
Experimental Validation as an Integral Component of Computational Fluid Dynamic Research.
ANZIAM Journal, 2010, 51: pp. 265-279.
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Leonardi, E., Neely, A.J., Kleine, H.
Methods for investigating supersonic ground effect in a blowdown wind tunnel
Shock Waves, 2008, 18(2): pp. 155- 159. DOI: 10.1007/s00193-008-0144-z
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Leonardi, E. & Neely, A.J.
The onset of compressibility effects for aerofoils in ground effect.
The Aeronautical Journal, 2007; 111(1126): pp. 797 - 806.
Doig, G., Barber, T.J., Neely, A.J.
Progress in Understanding Transonic and Supersonic Ground Effect.
28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Brisbane, 23-28 Sept 2012.
Choudhury, R., Doig, G., Neely, A.J., Barber, T.J.
Hypersonic Drop-Tests of a Sphere: CFD Comparison to Experimental Results.
17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Auckland, 5-9 Dec 2010, pp. 1-4.
Doig, G., H. Kleine, A.J. Neely, T.J. Barber, J.P. Purdon, E.M. Appleby, N.R. Mudford, E.Leonardi
The Aerodynamics of a Supersonic Projectile in Ground Effect
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 2007, Göttingen, Germany, pp. 1-8.